How to Make Healthier Choices When Eating Out: A Guide for Busy Professionals

Health Haven
3 min readJan 2, 2023
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Eating out is an incredibly popular activity, especially for busy professionals who don’t have the time or energy to make their own meals. Unfortunately, many of the meals available at restaurants are unhealthy, high in calories and full of unhealthy fats, sugars and salts. This can lead to weight gain, increased risk of chronic diseases and other health issues.

Fortunately, there are steps busy professionals can take to make healthier choices when eating out. By being aware of the types of food available, choosing healthier options, and making sensible portion sizes, busy professionals can enjoy eating out without sacrificing their health.

Types of Food Available

When eating out, it’s important to be aware of the types of food available. Restaurants may offer a wide variety of items, from salads and sandwiches to burgers and pizza. While it may be tempting to indulge in unhealthy foods, it’s important to be aware of the ingredients used in the dish and the nutritional value.

Salads are generally a safe bet when it comes to healthier eating, as they are usually low in calories and can be packed with vitamins and minerals. However, it’s important to watch out for dressings and toppings, as these can quickly add calories and unhealthy fats.

Sandwiches are also a popular option, but it’s important to be mindful of the ingredients. White breads, processed meats, mayonnaise and other condiments can quickly add fats and calories. Opting for wholemeal bread, lean meats and low-fat dressings can help to reduce the calorie and fat content.

Burgers and pizza can be high in calories, as they often contain high-fat cheese, processed meats and unhealthy oils. It’s best to opt for healthier alternatives such as veggie burgers or thin-base pizzas with reduced amounts of cheese.

Choosing Healthier Options

When eating out, it’s important to choose healthier options wherever possible. This means opting for dishes that are high in vitamins, minerals and other nutrients and low in unhealthy fats, sugars and salts.

When choosing dishes, it’s important to look for lean proteins such as chicken, fish and beans. These can provide essential nutrients and help to keep you feeling full while avoiding unhealthy fats. It’s also important to look for dishes that contain plenty of vegetables and other fresh ingredients, as these are packed with vitamins and minerals.

When it comes to side dishes, it’s best to opt for healthier alternatives such as salads and steamed vegetables. These can provide essential nutrients while avoiding unhealthy fats and sugars.

Making Sensible Portion Sizes

When eating out, it’s important to make sensible portion sizes. Restaurants often serve large portions, which can quickly add up in terms of calories and unhealthy fats. To avoid this, it’s best to share a dish with someone else, or to take the leftovers home for another meal.

It’s also important to be aware of the portion sizes of individual ingredients. For example, a dish may contain a large amount of cheese, which can quickly add up in terms of calories and unhealthy fats. It’s best to ask for the dish to be prepared with reduced amounts of cheese or other unhealthy ingredients.


Eating out doesn’t have to mean sacrificing health. By being aware of the types of food available, choosing healthier options and making sensible portion sizes, busy professionals can enjoy eating out without putting their health at risk. With a little bit of effort and knowledge, busy professionals can make healthier choices when eating out, allowing them to enjoy the social aspect of eating out without sacrificing their health.

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Health Haven

As a nutritionist & avid runner, I'm passionate about helping others live their healthiest lives. Follow along for tips, recipes & all things wellness.